SAPI stands for small arms protective inserts.
While checking to see what the NIJ rating was for them, I found they have their own rating system.
Based on the verbiage, they're all semi-ablative protection.
SAPI is supposed to stop 7.62x51mm, 7.62x54mmR and 5.56x45mm ball.
ISAPI adds the ability to stop 7.62x39mm 57-BZ-231 API.
ESAPI (rev A-E) adds being able to stop .30-06 M2 AP.
ESAPI (rev G and J) adds 5.56x45mm M995 AP.
XSAPI adds 7.62x51mm M993 AP.
That means that SAPI is good for 7d+1 pi, or DR 25.
To stop 7.62x39mm API's 3d+2(2) pi inc you need 23, but since it still has to stop the 7d+1 pi of 54R, it's still 25.
We know from NIJ IV you need DR 35 to stop M2 AP.
In GURPS terms M995 and M993 aren't any better than M2 AP, so still DR 35.
SAPI and ISAPI are DR 25 semi-ablative.
All revisions of ESAPI and XSAPI are DR 35 semi-ablative.
That was easy, right?
and the way I understand it, and according to what reps from diff vest makers tell me, you can't take 2 or 3 vests rated for one thing and expect them to stop something more powerful... eventually you might be able to stack enough together to do it but you probably couldn't wear all of them at once....panzer guy