31 December 2022

Fuck You 2022

The Precious died.

The Lovely Harvey broke her shoulder and got a near fatal infection.

Derpy Dingus McGee died.  He was a great cat.

Numerous home disasters ruined all the finances.

The red wave never materialized.

2023 shouldn't be worse, but I will not say it cannot.

I said that about 2020 and 2022 sure proved my dumb ass wrong.


  1. One good thing I have to say about it is that at least, I got employed. I could have done without the furnace dying and the accident I had coming home from Ft. Madison, though.

  2. pretty sure 2023 is going to be shit show, probably worse then the past couple... we haven't even begun to see the worst in food and energy prices... any way, we are all still kicking so that's a plus... happy new year peeps...panzer guy


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