18 December 2022

Memory Holed More Than A decade

While they're gone from the sidebar for being overtly racist, there were a couple of links to worthy articles.


All gone.

Everything they wrote before 2020 is gone.

Pity that.

Before they succumbed to hate, they had a lot worth reading.


  1. Replies
    1. Cold Fury. He started with the n-word shit then when confronted that white people did the same thing he indicated that he didn't care and the n-word would stand.

      So no promotion via my sidebar anymore.

      But, before he went insane, there was stuff worth quoting; with links to support the concept of freedom and liberty.

  2. i must have stopped going to his site before that...sometimes he would just ramble and there are times my attention span is that of a 3 year old...i don't mind reading a long post but i have to be in the mood...panzer guy...

  3. I've had to shun a few people for similar reasons. One guy I used to know in Des Moines... really smart guy who did some very interesting things... but somehow went down a rabbit hole into a place where he became to toxic to deal with. It's sad. I don't know what happened other than I believe he had some bad experiences that tainted his world view. But it's too dangerous to get involved enough to try to figure out.


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