25 July 2023

Above My Pay Grade

Are prime numbers still prime in bases other than 10?


  1. Yes. 13 is divisible by 1 and itself. 0x0D is divisible by 0x01 and itself. 015 is divisible by 001 and itself. As is 0000 1011. It doesn't matter how you describe a pile of 13base10 toothpicks, you can only divide by 13 and 1 to get a whole number.

  2. I may have spent too much time around rules lawyers and English professors, because I immediately thought of a way to justify the other answer. Just (quietly) redefine "the same number" as "the number represented by the same string". For instance, 11 base 10 is prime, but in base 9, 11 = 2 × 5.

    I assume (okay, hope) you'd need a more elaborate version to actually fool people, but that's the basic idea.

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