23 August 2023

Another Empty Threat

"The sequel won't be completed if you don't demand the studios cave to our demands!"

Actors, writers, studios; we're already used to the series we're enjoying being cancelled before it reaches a conclusion.

We're also getting accustomed to the series end being clumsily truncated to an unsatisfactory ending.

Never mind the tendency of padding the run time of what we do get to delay coming to the logical conclusion of the series.  When you combine that with a truncated conclusion all you can do is think of all the time they wasted on side quests and stories.

So it's not a threat to the consumer.

In fact, in many cases, we're waiting for an entire series to play and conclude before even starting it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, this past summer, Paramount showed Yellowstone's prequel '1883' which had some good acting. The last two episodes were disappointing. Just weepy 'I' gonna die' for two hours. Most of the people who died earlier were quick and fast to exit the show.



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