13 August 2023

How's That Strike Going?

Bad news for the actors, studios and writers:

I'm watching all kinds of old movies.

Amazon makes lots of stuff I'd missed in theaters or other home media available.

Such as Road to El Dorado.

It was a box office bomb and was out of the theaters long before I could arrange going to see it.

Since it was an unknown, I wasn't about to buy it on DVD...

Blockbuster went away before I could remember to rent it.

But here it is, a 23 year old movie on my computer.

I can keep this up for YEARS.

Can they?


  1. Actually, yes.
    The people voting "strike" aren't working actors and writers to begin with.
    One of the biggest problems with the industry is that they don't restrict strike voting rights to members who worked enough hours to earn medical benefits in the last 6 months, which is less than 10% in either guild.

    So you've got barristas and valet parkers running whether a multi-billion industry goes into "park" mode for weeks and weeks.

    It's also the reason IATSE and the Teamsters (the below-the-line union workers) hate GA and SAG-AFTRA with a passion. They're losing their houses every time this happens, because the @$$holes voting strike have nothing to lose or gain, in most cases.

  2. I have to admit I have discovered the joys of Anime. Set it on English subtitles and enjoy.

    No actor/writer strike in Japan. And I can watch shows from 20 or more years ago.

    Who wins in this strike? We the people. Less programming, less new and improved versions of movies or shows.

    They'll cave. They always do.

  3. they were all talking heads for one of the greatest frauds ever...covid... which has almost put them out of business...I have zero f$&ks to give them... panzer guy

  4. To the new guy mowing my lawn: "Hey, weren't you in the movie....?"

  5. Right now, I'm watching an Aussie TV show on DVD: _Underbelly: Razor._ I've got lots of DVDs I've either inherited or picked up dead cheap on Amazon or Ebay that I never got around to watching. About the only reason I watch regular TV is for the news, because I want to know where the latest tornadoes are.

  6. I haven't missed Hollywood at all. They can keep striking. Who gives an F.

  7. Yep, I have kept my CDs purchased from pawn shops from years back when a lot threw them out for subscriptions to places which may decide to stop offering services. One bad point - many computers do not supply a CD reader any more. Happily a pair of dedicated CD players were purchased on discounted and can supply the player.



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