10 August 2023

Road Trip

Bought a rear door seal for The Beast from someone I'd actually known for years, but didn't know I'd met.

He's also the owner of the New Caprice Forum.

The shipping options of the odd sized box came very close to the price of filling the tank, so I went with the "meet in Titusville" option.

And meet in Titusville, we did!

Dogs-R-Us is a fun bit of local color we hit almost every time we're over that way.

One of the nice things about having a road-trip car is taking them out in their native environment, set the cruise and, well, cruise.

The first 41 minutes of the two and a half hour trip was getting from the gulf coast to I75.  We averaged 18 miles an hour.

The rest of the trip was spent at 75 miles an hour or so, so our average went up to 50 miles an hour after 300 miles of travel...

Because getting to and from the interstate is mostly sitting at stop lights, not moving.

1 comment:

  1. A nice thing about living in rural areas - my current house, and the previous 3 also, were within a couple miles of the interstate and the entire towns had no traffic lights.
    Here, my county is bigger than Connecticut, with less than 6,000 people, and not a single traffic light.


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