12 September 2023


Here's Sol through a DIY solar filter!  Very cropped.

Compared to my store-bought filter.  I think I got a better focus with the store-bought one.


  1. I think the focus is better on the DIY white filter. It's close enough that I could be fooling myself, but that's how it looks to me.

  2. No sunspots. Doesn't that mean cooler weather here?

    1. Look closer. There's lots of spots.

    2. The spots are small, but clearly visible to me in both pictures, and I've had surgery on both retinas. I'm worried that something is wrong with your screen or your eyes. First, I recommend cleaning your screen, then scrolling back and forth a little. The most visible spots in these pictures are at about one o'clock, maybe halfway between the center and the edge.


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