09 October 2023

A Fine Day!

Che Guevara has been pushing up daisies for 56 years.

That's a long time to be a Good Communist.

Many can't do it in their lifetime.

Che couldn't.

Special thanks to Carbine Williams for the assist.


  1. Good riddance to Che. He was a scumbag. Vicious, murderous. In the end he got the same compassion from his foes that he got. It shows the character of libtards that they idolize someone so terrible. It's the same reason I have no respect for Islam, given it's founder was a rapist, pedophile and murderer.

  2. According to what I've read, he was a pretty fumble fingered military leader, and not the guerrilla genius people thought he was. Castro sent him to Bolivia to get rid of him and refused to send him any support..."Not so much as an aspirin," I've heard.


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