08 November 2023

It's Starting To Happen

People are getting sick of protestors fucking with their everyday lives and no longer thinking about the consequences.

Not here, yet, but...


  1. The guy will probably get railroaded because he is obviously a gringo, but personally, zero F's given for "protesters" blocking roads.

  2. obviously the shooter was in the wrong on this one. He didn't do the math.

    As an aside, this country of ours was founded via protests, and subsequent social change has happened because of more protests. Protesting in a fine American tradition and I'm fine with it.

    Where people draw their lines ( a GOOD protest vs a BAD protest) is often based off their personal politics. Interesting that.

    You want to protest? Fine, but be aware people watch these sort of things and everything is recorded nowadays. You want to bring harm to another's person or property than you take on that additional risk. The risk-vs-reward math seldom adds up when it comes to protesting. But ones's position of privilege also skews that math. -JKing

    1. I made no judgement of right or wrong.

      I pointed out that people are getting fed up and no longer worrying about if they will be arrested.

      But if you want to inject right and wrong into it... The cops were clearly on the scene and doing nothing to keep the road clear.

    2. Re people getting fed up: Yep, people are acting like crowded rats in a box. Things are breaking down. This is our cyberpunk dystopia. -Jking


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