06 July 2024

Asking For A Friend?

An estranged friend texted me asking for advice on what kind of ammo to buy.

I gave the advice and then asked their SO what had prompted the sudden interest in ammo.

She's worried about politics.

Fair enough, but knowing her, she's worried about people like me and not people like her.

We know about Antifa and BLM being violent and burning shit down.

Is there something similar on the right side of the aisle?

Even threats of doing violence?

Real threats, not the normal blowhard kooks.


  1. All of the real, credible, serious threats to our Democratic Republic come from the left. Sure, there are a few religous right whack jobs who might cause a few incidents at abortion clinics, a few neo nazis who might do some racist graffiti on black monuments of synagogues and there are small groups like what remains of the KKK floating around. But contrary to the big liars in hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and all the race baiters like Al Sharpton, etc., there is no big growth of "white nationalism".

    Groups already mentioned like BLM and Antifa are far more violent and destructive. Right now their supporters have been trying to keep them muzzled and out of the press up to the election. But make no mistake, regardless of what happens in the elections, they will be unleashed.

    And the biggest threat of all to western civilizaion in general is the rise of Islamafascists who are being supported and funded by the left, despite being militantly anto-freedom of speech, anti-women and anti-LGBTQ+. We are very likely to see significant increases on Sharia Caliphates taking over like they already have in parts of states like Minnesota and Michigan which are traditional Liberal strongholds. Liberals ought to consider whether they would like to live in a place with laws like most majority Muslim countries have. Where women have to be covered, can't drive, can't hold most jobs and gays are persecuted or killed.

  2. the left in power likes to frighten the masses painting maga, white, christians, and anyone else considered on the right as racists and homophobes bent on killing everyone...panzer guy


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