05 July 2024

Lost On Me

I have significant hearing loss.

I have tinnitus.

I am upgrading the speakers in The Beast.

Despite my disabilities, I can hear the difference to a degree.  Cleaner sound is cleaner sound.

But something about this journey makes me laugh.

Videos of "how to" in my car with before and after results.

They do sound different.

Through my hearing loss.

Through my tinnitus.

Through the tinny little speakers on my laptop...

From the crappy little mic on their cell phone they're using to record the video for YouTube.

Through the sound compression from uploading to YouTube.

There's no way you're getting the full impression of what's changed, you just get that it sounds different.

I am not dissuaded.  The 3.5" coax speaker for the center channel should arrive today.

I'll order the other 4 in pairs here and there.  I'm in no rush.


  1. I like guitars, and it's the same kind of funny watching product demos on youtube. Dude who is clearly a skilled player plays guitar #1 vs guitar #2, and it comes out on a cell phone speaker after youtubes compression and bitrate reductions... They're fun to watch but it's pretty comical to see them compare a $5000 guitar vs a $200 guitar and have almost zero difference.


    1. One of my friends was kinda pissed that a parts caster I built from a 1990s Korean Fender Squier Series neck, a cheap knock off poplar body and moderate priced pickups ("Hot Texas") and hardware from GFS (not a "premium" brand) plays and sounds better than his > $1000 American Stratocaster. I've literally maybe got $300 into the parts caster.

      Some high end audio gear is worth the money, some is just snake oil. Other stuff there is a serious diminishing return as the price goes up. There are a lot of cork sniffers in audio just like there are on some firearms stuff.


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