07 July 2024

Memba Dis

I am old enough to remember when 922(r) compliance was simply to use an American made receiver.

Inch pattern FAL kit?  American made with an Entrèprise receiver!

This was because ATF ruled that, since the registered component was the firearm, the origin of the receiver determined if the gun was domestic or imported.

With the proliferation of AK parts kits flooding the market, ATF promulgated the idea that, to be domestically made it had to have a certain percentage of US made parts, and just a majority of named components.  They made a list and you picked and chose from the list to make sure your parts kit was domestic enough to own.

The serialized part is the gun doesn't appear in law.

The list of components that count towards domesticity doesn't appear in law.

922(r) can be read to mean that you can't use ANY foreign made parts to make a gun that wouldn't be possible to import like that.

We're in an awkward place.

1 comment:

  1. They made people spend money to accomplish nothing. They should be sued,and forced to pay out of their own money.


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