29 July 2024

Not Really How To

I've watched several "how-to" videos that skip steps.

Important steps.

Steps that I clicked on the video to learn how to do.


Good thing I'm mechanically inclined.


  1. I had just bought a new pistol. For giggles I clicked on a video featuring the same m&m and version of what I had. The video was from one of the big name gun guys.

    His disassembly was okay. But his reassembly was terribly botched. Clever editing disguised that he had deleted several steps.
    I mean, very clever. Of course he didn't mention it.

    In fact, it was only when I repeated his exact steps in reassembly (lots of pausing and rewinding) that I was able to find what he had edited out. His instructions rendered the gun inoperable.

    I've seen the same on engine rebuilding, woodworking, and fiberglassing, all of which I have professional experience.

    The persistence of those same characteristics on videos across different trades leads me to believe that the video hosting entities provide certain information for how to grow a channel through careful editing. Videos, including 'instructional' videos, are for entertainment only.

  2. I have a "Youtube Certified Master Technician" sticker on my coffee cup. Someone asked me how long it took to earn that cert. My reply was that it took a lot longer in the early days when the videos were on film strips and had to be synchronized with the record player.


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