26 July 2024

So You've Woken Up Undead

In the GURPS: Technomancer setting, being a lich or vampire means you're legally dead.

You don't have niceties like rights.

I don't have a lot of sympathy for a lich, you can't accidentally become one of those.  It's a choice and it comes with doing some nasty things to remain unalive.

But vampirism is a contagious disease.  A vampire could be the victim.

Legally, a murder victim.  "The victim testifies that..."

And once you've fully cooperated with the prosecution to convict destroy the vampire who created you; you get destroyed as well.

That led to some mind games.

If you wake up a vampire, you don't want to die (again?).  But you're not a bad person.

Can you run a moral vampire?

There's no dodging the human blood thing in this setting.  You need to get your sustenance from a sentient host.

There's nothing that says you need to drain someone completely.

But the contagion is carried by the vampire's saliva.  So to keep from infecting your supplier, you'd need to extract the blood mechanically.  It's not defined in the rules or the setting if this is OK.  The GM would have to decide how the Uncontrollable Appetite works.  The vampire might have to take the blood directly for it to sate them.

That'd make it nearly impossible to a moral vampire, because every meal leads to the chance of "birthing" another vampire.

But the survival instinct is strong...

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