16 July 2024

Tiny Shift

I was a little too excited to change out my lug nuts, apparently.

I removed all five lugs from the wheel before installing the new ones with the car flat on the ground.

The cone seat of the lug doesn't have the ass to lift the car and recenter the wheel, which will shift a little even if you don't see or hear it.

So I jacked up each corner and removed and reinstalled the new lugs with the wheel off the ground this time.

The vibration from the slight off center is now gone and I'm back to the tiny vibration from two tires being a tiny amount out of round.

1 comment:

  1. Aluminum wheels will do that to you, the stiffness that makes for better handling doesn’t offer any forgiveness for misalignment.
    Believe it or not, steel wheels have enough flex that the lug nuts will suck the center of the wheel up against the hub even if the rim flange is out of alignment.
    Glad you got it fixed before a stud broke.


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