26 August 2024

Fuck You Mark

Mark Barden of Sandyhook Promise blames me for the death of his son, Daniel; while shilling on YouTube.

Fuck you Mark.


Aside from being a grifter, he's blaming ME for what happened.

"Wasn't there, didn't do it." is still a positive defense and I wasn't there and I didn't do it.

I am innocent.

Not guilty by reason of wasn't me.

Not that these fucks care.

So I wish him ill.

Update: I did a GURPS based rate of fire comparison to shots actually fired baack in 2013 and Mr Barden's assertion that the shooter having 30-round magazines was pivotal to the death toll is flat wrong.  A single shot break-open shotgun could unload twice as many shots as were actually fired that day.  The pivotal factor was law enforcement giving him 20 minutes to shoot, allowing him to anchor shoot every victim.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't those Sandy Hook weasles already win a massive judgement from Alex Jones, who also didn't do it? Not that they'll probably ever collect much, but still... What are they trying to do, extort the rest of the world for money?


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