03 August 2024

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Most AD&D players my age know this picture.

What I'm thinking of doing is making a GURPS version of that paladin.

The cost of the armor would be substantial, but it occurred to me that he's got a sponsor in the form of a Patron advantage.

Paladins are associated with a particular religion and that church would likely provide gear to advance the word of their gods.

Should be a fun conversion.  I cannot recall ever making or playing a paladin while I was still playing AD&D.


  1. I had a Paladin character whose armor was fashioned from an Ankheg(sp?) that he killed. DM allowed it, as the campaign setting was in a world with supersized insects and such, with a nod to Bob Asprin's Bug Wars. Fun campaign, while it lasted, but the group became more interested in smoking funky weeds, and I didn't want to lose my TS clearance...I played the knight as that of a Templar shortly before their demise.

  2. Hey Angus,

    Jeez, the memories that image brings back from my 2nd edition days :)

  3. I just noticed, weird shield position. Bottom point forward? Again, weird.


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