10 August 2024

Start Date

Proving Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Climate Change is all about picking a start date.

If you start in 1970, there are more days over 90° today.

If you start in 1900, there are many fewer days over 90° today.

Global warming is a scam.  Maybe the biggest ever.


  1. Well,, in terms of dollars misdirected globally, it's up there with the manufactured Covid scam. You showed why it's Bullschitt.
    Lets resolve a decades long debate, scientifically...
    The only way to make some decisions and Know you're going the right way is to run an experiment. In some areas, we will pass laws that restrict gun ownership and make carrying so difficult to get a license for, it's not worth it..
    In some places we will enact laws that, by region, have laws that are more and more lenient. Right on up to Constitutional Carry..

    Now, let's all just LOOK at where people are getting shot up . And, where they aren't.
    Create legislation accordingly.

    Now,, remember Silence is Violence?
    Well, anyone Not promoting freedom of self defense Does Not Want safer societies.
    If you Want r safer place,, allow law abiding citizens to enjoy exercising the natural rights,, If you Ever Said
    Follow the Science,, you don't have a choice but Follow the Science, or prove what a fraud you are.

    YOU is improperly used. Probably, to be grammatically correct,, probably should have said
    One,, but I always want to punch myself in the nose for being HoityToity..


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