24 September 2024


"We get the CIB!"

I get to drive the tank.

"We get to wear an infantry blue shoulder cord."

I get to fire the gun.

"We get our branch color in a surround of our branch insignia."

I don't have to walk anywhere.

Just sayin'...

Oh, and we finally got black berets like every other tanker.  Y'all just ticked off the Rangers.

1 comment:

  1. :-) As one of those Engineer types I usually chuckle about the 11 series silliness... But then I did get that Ranger tab, just never the black beret, mine was the standard crimson one as I was "Ranger Qualified" but never a Ranger assigned to the Regiment... And got out long before the "Sapper" tab. DO have to say the time I spend in mech units (3AD) it was nice always having hot water for coffee with the Abrams running on jet turbines...


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