08 September 2024

Marv Is Better At This

Marv had great success at getting his headlights clear, so I asked him his secret and he volunteered to do mine.

How they started:

This is after a year and a half of the Cerakote kit.

The mistake I made was following the directions to the letter and only sanding for 3 minutes per sanding pad.

Marv didn't even use the sanding pads that came with, he used his own supply of various grits (240, 600, 1000, 2000, 3200, 4000 then 6000) and kept going until it stopped making slurry.

Sanding done:

Cerakote clear coat applied:

I'd say the results speak for themselves.


  1. As part of a past life I polished stone. I found the very types of paper and grits used on stone worked very well on, say plexiglass in small aircraft side windows or automotive lenses. However, 8,000 grit and finer was a bit of overkill.

    Stopping when no more slurry is a good rule of thumb.


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