24 September 2024

Preps Laid In

The only decision left is to buy plywood or not.

Father in law is still new at this, he'll prolly get a couple sheets and grab some for us too.

The current predictions put it off shore from here, so we get some wind and rain, but not too bad.

Fingers crossed that holds.


  1. How often do you board up windows? Trying to work out if it would be worth storing for reuse instead of buying

    1. When my house is in the cone of uncertainty two days out, I board up. I store a sheet just for the windows out back as a work-bench. You can see it in my gun photos, in fact. That's actually two sheets the window cover is under the photo backdrop.

      We tend to find uses for any sheet we bought and by the time we need it... It's been cut up and made into something and we need a new sheet.

    2. That is the reason for metal storm coverings, basically heavy gauge metal like you make the sides of shipping containers out of.


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