22 September 2024

THEY Get To Have Nuke Plants?

Microsoft is going to get to use all of the output from Three Mile Island, but we scumbag unwashed normies have to use wind and solar to recharge our government mandated electric cars?

Why can't we all use nuclear power?

Oh, the same fucking morons who are forcing us to abandon perfectly functional technologies for unreliable boondoggles.

There's nothing wrong with internal combustion cars.

There's nothing wrong with burning coal or natural gas to make steam to spin turbines.

There's never been anything wrong with using fission to boil water to spin turbines.

I cannot shake the idea that the entire impetus behind EV's is control and keeping us within a small circle around where we live.

Even worse, you can disable EV charging remotely where you can't stop someone with a fossil fueled vehicle from storing a meaningful quantity of fuel to escape that small radius.

I stopped feeling paranoid about this watching one paranoid conspiracy theory after another turn out to be valid in 2020.


  1. Decades ago now, University of Illinois Carbondale had a coal plant that burned filthy Illinois bituminous coal - and the only byproducts were 5 MW electricity, plant food (CO2), water vapor, and gypsum. I'm sure there was a bit of fly ash also, bit that can be processed for the thorium, which can go to a nuke plant.
    Jugears Obama shut the research down.
    Even earlier, Argonne Labs had an inherently safe reactor design very close to commercialization. Peanut farmer Carter shut that down.
    Is there a pattern here?

  2. 100%

    If they had a reactor that put out what a "whole house backup generator" puts out, I'd have to look for financing. Totally independent of the grid? Where do I sign?

    Heck, how about if the neighborhood shared one the size they put on Navy ships? They need to require less attention than the full time crew on a ship, but they're getting to that point. If they're not there already.

  3. A number of environmentalists have admitted that the whole push for "climate change" and related requirements, like EVs and renewable power, is really a push to remake society how they want it to be.
    P.S. There is no 'need' for all the data collection and transmission in modern vehicles, ICE or EV - while billed as features, it is either to generate revenue for the car companies or for control purposes.
    One example: Some Evs and hybrids won't start if there is no cell reception... I have read stories about this happening, most often to Toyota Prius when camping in the back of beyond.

  4. it's for AI...gaggle and microsuck are using some ungodly amount of power because of AI...i read it somewhere...panzer guy

  5. One reason I distrust the ecofreaks pretty intensely is because they strike me as so fanatical on their cause of "End all PO-LU-SHUN!" that they're not a bit above lying in what they think is a good cause. And the mainstream media is so in thrall to the idea that they are Good People doing Good Things that they repeat anything an ecofreak says like it was gospel hot from Mt. Sinai. (Greta Thunberg, to take just one example.)


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