26 September 2024

This Sucks

It could, of course, be much worse.

Power has been off since 4pm and they have a message about conditions being unsafe for the linemen.

I'll wait, I want them to go home safe.

But it sucks to sit in the dark without so many amenities.


  1. What no generators of any kind? No oil lamps, battery powered lanterns? No propane stove or oven? No radios? And how long have you lived in FL?

    1. We've extensive battery powered illumination. Plus a gas grill.

      I'm just whining.

  2. Let's be honest, it really sucks. The last time we went through it was for Irma in '17 and we were without power about 36 hours. Like you say, I respect the guys coming in to restore things too much to make them want to take too much risk.

    We had a pretty mild storm. I think I heard people mowing lawns until midafternoon yesterday and somebody nearby is doing it right now (8:50 AM). Nobody thought it was a big deal.


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