07 October 2024

They Come And Go

I once had three .45 ACP handguns...

Not anymore!  I sold the M&P 45C.

Now I just have, uh, three .45 ACP handguns.

Something's off about my math...


  1. It's almost like they multiply on their own.

    1. Two of them speak German and are afraid of the Old Man...

  2. "Gun Distribution System", which is similar to the "Cat Distribution System" that brought Shadow to our home after losing our oldest cat a few weeks earlier. Only, the guns are cheaper to acquire, with no vet bills...

  3. I have no .45 ACP handguns, perhaps I should rectify this.

    1. You should! There are so many good choices.

    2. Sportsman's Warehouse has RIA Gi style 1911A1s under $300 right now. I think that is a not terrible choice if I had spare $, on the other hand I could probably find a cheap M&P 45 to keep things consistent


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