10 July 2013


I've been watching Deadliest Catch since the beginning.

I've watched some incredible displays of bullying.

Bullying in the name of hazing.

It's disgusting.

And I am not one to say hazing is wrong.  A new guy in a physically demanding job has got earn the respect of his peers and some shit will be flung.

But taking it to a level that deliberately hampers the job at hand?

You know what, bullies are fucking morons.

When that greenhorn says, "fuck it, I don't need this shit," it's not like you can just call Manpower and a new guy steps in.  You're down a man.  Guess why, Stupid.  Because you drove him off and changed it from a 4+1 to 4 on deck.

Of course there's two even bigger morons involved in this idiocy.  The deck boss and the captain.

You dipshits are supposed to be running the show.  Letting the hazing get in the way of doing the job means that you're not doing your job of managing.

Doing it any other way means that fishing is your means of funding being an asshole.


  1. I would like for the USCG to run a random urinalysis on the crews of those boats.
    Most people don't work that long and hard without some help.
    And that help might be influencing the crew behavior.
    If one holds a MMD (Merchant Mariners Document) and using it to work, one is in a random drug screening program.
    And I believe that most of those crews need MMD's to work on the boats.

  2. Supposedly there are already drug screenings required by the insurance companies. I wonder how rigidly those are held.


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