28 September 2024


I don't shotgun much so this innovation slipped past me.

Interia action:


Simple and elegant.

The place that introduced me to the idea was complaining about the price of such guns, so they must be expensive too.


  1. I don't mess with shotguns much either, but when I think of Benelli I think expensive, and good.

  2. Holey moley! Two grand plus minus 100 for the 28 gauge? Would love to have one but not at nosebleed prices. A 400 buck special will do the same job (maybe for not as many centuries) and I can buy 5 of them as needed for same spend. Sigh!

    1. The 870 I got for about $400 about 30 years ago is serving all my shotgun needs. That I have TWO pump shotguns is a fluke rather than a design.

      My father in law's brother had a break-open single shot 20ga that did everything he needed done too. He hunted every year of his adult life. We inherited that shotgun, and it still works despite being a decidedly down-market gun. Shown here: https://mcthag.blogspot.com/2018/10/companionable.html

  3. My recollection is that the shooter's shoulder is part of the action, but these kick less than a long recoil action like a Browning

  4. Fred in Texas, @ Terrapod. Sometimes a good tool really is worth it. Sometimes the lemon is worth the squeeze. I've run cheap cars, chainsaws, guns etc. They work, but sometimes its nice to roll with some comfort and style. Aint no reason a redneck cant have nice $#!? is there?


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