27 August 2017

Yes It Matters

USS John S McCain (DDG-56) is not named after Senator John McCain.

Senator McCain is properly John Sidney McCain III (Capt. USN(R)).

DDG-56 is named after Admirals John S. McCain Sr and John S. McCain Jr; the senator's grandfather and father, respectively.

Allusions to the accident relating to the senator are inappropriate and dishonor men who don't deserve the scorn.  Scorn their descendant has earned in bucket, but not they.

Shit on JSM3 all you want.  He's squandered any good-will he might have earned over the years with this political career.

1 comment:

  1. I knew that but scorn for "Maverick" is better than he deserves. His progenitors appear to be honorable men, viewed through the prism of history. Unfortunately that idiot senator from Arizona may be as well....


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