I trend to supporting LGBT and associated stuff.
Once you're a person, you have rights and I demand that people get their rights.
I don't support one group or another getting more rights than anyone else.
Disclaimer out of the way:
Dear radical trans advocates,
When you sling your accusations at someone for being anti-trans or transphobic; are you sure they're not just responding to people like you being assholes about it?
Because a lot of you ARE being assholes about it.
A decent sized hunk of the "transphobic" aren't against you, per se, they simply don't give a fuck. Apathy is not opposition or hatred.
Until you demand that they take a side, with the same sort of deal the anti-gun people give gun owners, "admit that you're wrong (and evil) and I'm right (and virtuous) and THEN we will discuss what level of punishment you will receive for being wrong (and evil) all this time."
If you don't accept their entire position as right and virtuous, you will be treated as if you were a mustache twirling villain Klansnazi bent (pun!) on the eradication of all but the cisnormative.
Lots of folks respond to this with, "Shiny, let's be bad guys," and lean into it. If they're going to be punished for it, might as well commit the crime too.
I'm not talking about the people who were bigoted before you opened your gigantic "heads I win, tails you lose" narrative.
These are people who're nominally on your side, but don't feel they have to actively agitate all day, every day for your rights when you clearly don't give two shits about anyone else.
It's playing with a sleeping dragon's tail and it will be bad to wake it up.
There's lots of, "oh yeah, well fuck you too!" in American politics. Especially in cases where someone should have taken the win and gone home to enjoy the fruits of their victory; but didn't.
Civil Rights, LGBT and women's rights are such cases.
There's going to be a lot of people who were satisfied with the progress made who might be very fucked if this presses too far.
PS: Phobia comes from the Greek for fear. They don't fear you, they HATE you. Transmisia is the word you're searching for.
PPS: I'm friends with several LGBT people who are very concerned with the effect the assholes are having on the everyday straights.