19 November 2019


Signs like this have gotten more people killed than any of my unwelcome firearms.

If you can't trust me with a gun, I'm afraid I cannot trust you with money.


  1. And how do they enforce these rules, I wonder? Do they have strip searches of all customers?

    That said, I'd bet that sign is in place to cover their asses with their liability insurance company.

  2. Here in Texas those signs bear no legal weight at all. In order to prohibit carry they must post signs with the exact wording required by law (30.06 (concealed) and/or 30.07 (open), in both English and Spanish) in a "conspicuous location" in "contrasting colors" with "block lettering at least 1" high". That means pretty large signs. That's by intent. The legislature also reduced the penalties for those caught in non-compliance. I generally try to avoid anywhere that chooses to post, aka "designated victim areas".

  3. Here's my take on that, SofJan: If we AVOID those places, THEY'VE WON. So we just calmly and politely walk in like stockholders, or partial owners, and act normal. Hoping normal is good...
    Why, I know a guy that's been in & outa the U.S. Post Office HUNDREDS of times carrying concealed...and acting like a normal citizen, which he is. He doesn't try to make a point with OPEN CARRY just yet, but he might someday. Texas, it is...

    1. The problem with patronizing such places is they turn around and use a portion of my money to further anti-gun goals.

      Sure, I can "get away" with packing while ignoring their signage, but do I want to pay the opposition.

      It's a principled stand to refuse to spend money there and hope they go out of business and starve to death. It worked on Dick's.

  4. They haven't won if they lose my business and their competitor who doesn't post 30.06 or 30.07 gets it. I'm sure lots of people just quietly carry regardless of the signs. I know that people who are carrying illegally probably don't give one whit about the signs. But even if I wasn't a carry person, I would still avoid posted no-guns locations because they are less safe than places that don't post.


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