13 May 2022

Perhaps Green?

SoftwareJanitor has a go/nogo list of things that decide if a car will be his.

Among the items is "If it's green, it's not mine."

For years we've tried to find a car worth owning the broke all the rules.

There aren't any so far.

But it's got me thinking about painting The Beast in 1971 Chevelle "Lime Green" which is a green paint with large gold metal-flake in it.

Pictures don't do it justice.

Marv has tried to photoshop it and it's not coming out.

But the above effort reminded me there was a Camaro color that I'd dubbed, "Shocking Lizard Underbelly Green".  Chevy insists that it's called Synergy Green.

I'm kinda into it.


  1. It's certainly visible. Almost appears to be the color of safety vests. If you are ever involved in a two car accident and the other driver claims they did not see you, handing them a cane and cup would be a suitable response.


  2. Archibald Barasol13 May, 2022 10:35

    You could park it in one of those “Reserved For Green Vehicles / Green Vehicles Only” spaces and watch heads explode.

  3. Add a slight flesh tint and call it Soylent Green.

    After all, Soylent Green is people, you know.

  4. That's almost the color we use for right hand cones in gates for AutoCross around here.


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