27 January 2023

It Sure Looks As If

Constitutional Carry in Florida is hitting a bit of a snag.

The assholes in Tallahassee are trying to pitch a free permit as a substitute for actual freedom.

So, instead of $50 every seven years, it's $0 every seven years.

THAT is what they are trying to claim is Constitutional Carry up there.

It's clear they don't understand the term.

The rumor mill, though, mentions a reason that disgusts me.

If the rumors are correct the stumbling block is that black people will be able to carry guns without getting permission from the state.


Well, yes, that's the fucking point of Constitutional Carry.

Concealed carry, open carry, day or night; without The State granting permission.

Because you shouldn't have to ask permission to exercise a right.

I keep checking the Bill of Rights and both the Federal and State Constitutions and I'm not seeing how race matters to one's rights.

What matters is if you're a person.

Black people are, indeed, persons.

So are whites, Latinos, Asians, Jews, Catholics, greasy wops and filthy Scots.

I'm sick of a supposed Republican supermajority with a Republican governor failing session after session with excuse after excuse.


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  2. We ought never confuse an (R) after one's name for being an actual Republican. Doubly true for politiweasels.

    There should be a clause in every state whereby if 51% of the registered voters of any party within any politician's district (city/county/state) decided (not in a primary, but prior to) you weren't one of their party, you were banned from declaring as such in any public race for ten years.

    Call it the Carpetbagger/RINO Extinction Act. Power to the people.

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