17 December 2023

Pure Nostalgia Bait

Eddie Murphy is back as Axel Foley in a fourth installment of Beverly Hills Cop.

The first thing I notice is that he's still rockin' the High-Power!

The next thing you notice is everyone but Eddie has aged significantly.

I'm sure to watch it.


  1. Man, the third movie was back in 1994. So 30 years later, Axel is back. That is quite a stretch. I had forgotten what pistol he carried. They were fun movies.


  2. I watched another Eddie Murphy movie the other day... some silly xmas movie that wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be. And I thought the same thing... He's 62 years old but doesn't really look much different than he did 20 years ago. Wish I could say the same!

    1. That Christmas movie was pretty good.

    2. Yeah, I've certianly seen a lot worse. I'd actually say, especially considering the Nutty Professor and Klumps moves that Eddie Murphy is actually a pretty under-rated actor. Nobody would dispute he's funny as hell, but he's actually decent even in the more dramatic roles.


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