18 May 2007

Ron Paul

A couple of things about Ron Paul that kills him for me;

1. Open border/free trader. Sealed borders and protectionism are GOOD things. We should be selling our products to the world, not teaching foreigners how to make products and then importing them.

2. He, like many Libertarian types, doesn't get that War is the killer app of the state. And when a foreign agent, or agency tries to kill you, you kill them. Kill them until they are not capable of thinking about war anymore. Kill them wherever they are and don't wait for them to come to you. Kill them where they live, not where we do.

3. Truther! Rep Paul, I direct you to Lt Col Kyle Foley, USA, Ft Bliss, TX. His office was at the impact point in the Pentagon, he's alive because he was getting a cup of coffee. Bring your boxing gloves, Kyle is, shall we say, a passionate defender of the position that he saw an airliner hit the building he worked in.

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