27 November 2007

100 Years Apart In Design

Colt Anaconda, 6" barrel, chambered in .45 Colt.

I really like the contrast of the modern stainless revolver with a cartridge that was developed in 1872. Cowboy loads in the box and Silvertips® in the speedloaders.

Here it is with its smaller brother in the more powerfull .44 Magnum.

No matter what the caliber, a gun pointed at you looks like a sewer pipe! In this case, .45 Colt.

.44 Magnum has a scare value all it's own!

Please notice that the finger is off the trigger. The only thing in danger was the laptop, expensive, but expendable. I had a kevlar® helmet behind the Mac's camera to catch the bullet in the event of an AD.

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