02 October 2012

Four Years Ago

We decorate extensively for Halloween.  It's our favorite holiday.

It's also the first time of each year when we really look around and pay attention to what the neighbors are doing with their houses.

Four years ago there were a lot of Obama signs and not so much halloween.

This year there's more halloween and not so much Obama.

We're a bedroom community with a decidedly blue collar bias.  We had about 40% Obama signs, 20% McCain and 40% no sign at all last election.  This year we have FOUR Obama signs and pretty much nothing else.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is an early proxy for turn-out.  The primary in 2008 was positively crowded, this year I had the place to myself.

I keep reading that recent polls are making the assumption that the record turn-out of 2008 will repeat and that the proportions of party affiliation will be be identical.  I just am not seeing that this time.

Our staunchly anti-Bush friends, for example, are now reluctant to engage us in political discussions because their agent of change sure didn't change much from how Bush was doing it.

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