26 March 2013

Michael Bloomberg (A Known Jew)

We really have become the Soviet Union, haven't we?

Or we at least have a Media SSR resident among us.

Gun owners are not angry at Bloomberg because he's a Jew, it's because he's a gun grabber.

We'd be just as upset with him if he were a Baptist.

This brings up something, again, that I cannot fathom.

I cannot figure out why so many prominent Jews in politics are so gung-ho about gun control.  Of all the peoples on this earth you'd think they'd be the ones with an entire deck of Godwin cards to play whenever anything the NSDAP did comes up, right down to highway funding because Hitler is the guy who broke ground on the first stretch of the Autobahn.

I dunno, it's like black folks wearing white sheets and burning crosses without a hint of irony.

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