11 March 2014

Memories Really Are That Short

I got an email from the NRA telling me that gun owners are poised to take back the Senate from Harry Reid.

I remember the last time Senator Reid was up for re-election that the NRA backed him over the republican candidate because he'd been so good about guns...

Since the NRA was instrumental in handing the senate to Mr Reid, they should adopt a different tone about killing the monster they had a hand in creating.  *POP* Pulling my head out of my ass.

I occasionally wonder if, perhaps, that getting someone less good on guns but far better on every other liberty would be preferable.

If we had more of our general liberties, I think the gun thing would matter less.


Memories are so short, in fact that I can't remember a timeline.

In 2010 Senator Ried had been pretty good on guns and there were solid reasons to think he'd continue to be.

The NRA had no way of knowing how things would turn and now they're in the rough position of having to oppose a former friend.

Thanks to Tam for kicking me in the teeth so my head would be propelled from my nethers.


  1. "I remember the last time Senator Reid was up for re-election that the NRA backed him over the republican candidate because he'd been so good about guns..."

    There have been a couple votes since then.

    1. This was 2010 he was our bestest buddy in the whole wide Senate, he's not been back up since then.

      The reason I am complaining is that it'd be someone else's senate without that NRA backing.

    2. "The reason I am complaining is that it'd be someone else's senate without that NRA backing"

      ...and if a frog had wings. ;)

      Like I said: There have been a couple votes since then.

      Like it or not, the NRA bases its support on existing voting records and not campaign promises, and in 2010, Harry hadn't turned on 'em yet.

      FWIW, fifteen years ago I was on your side of this discussion. Now I'm not. I'd like to think I'm not particularly dumb or easily hoodwinked.

      Anyhow, I don't want to get into the whole "zomg NRA hates guns" thing in someone else's comment section. My apologies for the derail.

    3. Look! It's my blog and I will plummet to baseless whining whenever I want! WHIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEEE! :)

      I did not, and apparently cannot say what I mean about this. Dang it.

      I don't think the NRA hates guns, but just thought it was a bit ironic that they're opposed to him after helping to seat him last time. And you're dead on about his not having turned at that point. "There have been a couple of votes..." I'm a dumbass who needs reading comprehension lessons... I read that as "elections" and that's clearly not what you said.

      If you felt I was calling you stupid or gullible, that wasn't my intent at all. I'm sorry if that's how it read.

      Go ahead and derail to your heart's content. Without such I wouldn't have noticed that my mind did not properly transmit my thoughts to my fingers.


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