05 June 2014


One disadvantage to playing Barbie with your AR's is you end up rezeroing.

On the plus side, you get to go shooting!

I swapped uppers between Valentine and Dottie to get some mass off Dottie.

That meant moving the SUIT and swapping the rear sights too.  That means losing the zero.

The SUIT is a great optic, but it's cantankerous about zeroing.  You have to get it parallel to the barrel, so you aim an inch to the left of where you want it to hit.  Then when you make your windage adjustments you have to remember to flick the range lever to make sure the rear pads aren't binding and the adjustment you made actually moved the sight.  Such is the disadvantage of an externally adjusted scope.


I know that as long as you can get the rear sight to zero, it's not a big deal if the aperture is off center, but it challenges my OCD.

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