22 August 2014

New Toy

It's that time of every other year!

The Lovely Harvey renews her phone contract and gets a new phone.

This year they offered us a free tablet with the phone upgrade.

While most reviews are pretty negative about the freebie, it's $150 less than the one all of the reviews recommended.  Sound advice if one was paying outright, but FREE.

It's a fun little toy, like my smart-phone but larger.

It's something I have zero need of, but...  Hurray fun!

1 comment:

  1. I think we have the same cell provider. I won't lie, I rather like it. Of course at the price of "Free" it would have to be REALLY crappy for me NOT to like it.

    Probably wouldn't have bought it if it was $150, still in a house with an iPad and a Kindle Fire, I like this one the best.


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