13 October 2017

Miguel The Gauntlet Is Tossed

Took Trudy to the range.

Five shots at a mere 25 yards.  With irons.  I need to get to a longer range and stretch my shooting skills.

Connie did not do as well...

Have I ever mentioned that I can't shoot buck-horn sights well?  There's the evidence for you.  It started off shooting to the left, so I tapped the rear sight right and got it to shoot to the right...

A Lyman 66LA should be arriving soon so I can stop shooting this rifle with buck-horns.


  1. Damn you! Now I have to find an indoor range rated for .30-06... and zero the 70.

  2. Florida Firearms Academy NPR has a .50 BMG rated indoor 25 yard range (shown above).

    There's THREE indoor long range facilities in the Tampa area.

    Shoot Straight, Tampa has 3 100 yard lanes.
    Shooter's World, Tampa has 7 100 yard lanes.
    ReLoad, Tarpon Springs also has 7 100 yard lanes.

  3. There are two indoor 100 yard rifle ranges here in the Austin area... one of them is 1.7 miles from my driveway to their parking lot... :-) There is a 3rd range which has 25 yard indoor rifle ranges.


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