07 December 2017

Corporation For The Promotion Of Rifle Practice And Firearms Safety

Otherwise known as The Civilian Marksmanship Program.

Did you know they're nearly 2/3 government funded?

Did you know that 25% of their revenue is from investments?

That's 90% funded without selling a single gun, accessory or round of ammo.

Did you know they say they're selling inventory at a loss?  This does not include any overhead, it's selling the items for less than they paid for them.

Did you know that they employ 158 people?

Did you know that half of their functional expenses go to paying those people?

Did you know that their functional expenses are 3/4 of their revenue?

Did you know that just 3% of their revenue (4% of functional expenses) is spent on something besides keeping the doors open and the lights on?  This is the "promotion of" part of their mandate.

Keep this in mind when you're thinking about how much they should be charging for a Garand or 1911.  We the people already own those guns, and we're paying for the broker who will sell them back to us.  A broker who managed to lose money on the selling guns, ammo and accessories in the biggest sellers market since Francis Bacon started playing with bat shit.

I would like to add that the reason I'm upset about them losing money on inventory is there simple must be a way to give this stuff away like they apparently have been that doesn't cost the taxpayers $13+ million a year.

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