08 March 2019

Landmark Moment

The daughter of a friend of ours is going to be graduating college soon.

The seldom used "Guns for Girl Grads" program is going to be going active again, I think.

I wonder what kind of pistol she wants.

It's exciting.  She's been talking about getting her CCW since she was 16.


  1. Two words: gift certificate.

    I'm not saying all girls love to go shopping, that would be sexist, but I'm not not saying it either.

    1. A problem, locally, is the shops that have gift certificates also have the MSRP is the bottom line price.

    2. Pre-paid VISA card. Can haggle, buy guns and accessories.

      Or, well, a nice box of cash. With provisions that cash goes to gun stuff only. Probably the better way, so she can buy from a gun show or relative and cause a liberal's head to explode!

  2. My daughter recently got a S&W Shield 9mm as a grad/getting ccw gift from me. She shot one and liked it so that is what she asked me for.

    J.D. Brown


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