14 August 2019

Fundamental Misunderstanding

I've read much of what the founders wrote about what they were thinking when they founded our republic.

One thing is clear.

When they refer to something as a right it is something that exists independently from a government.  Rights are inherent.  Imbued upon us by our creator as it were.

It's also clear that such things were never meant to be subjected to a vote.

This also ties into why our government is a republic not a democracy.

They knew, too well, that democracies tear themselves apart.

So do republics, but they're more resilient.

So, news organizations with your polls saying that a large majority of people support infringing on a right:  So what?

Rights aren't subject to votes.

Since liberals be lovin' that free speech, you might notice that some pretty foul things are protected speech.  You work around the filth.

Guns are the same thing.  The secret the press is keeping is that gun deaths are down in the murder side of the ledger, suicide is still pretty constant.  Despite the spectacle of mass shootings, it's still safer this year than last.

Never mind that there are a lot more guns and gun owners now than in the late 80's when crime was much higher.

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