30 August 2019

Wrong Thread Sir

JT, in an ongoing series of generosity, stopped by to loan me his slide hammer.

How can you tell it's my project?

The threads on the puller don't match his hammer.


AutoZone likely has the matching hammer, because that's where I got the puller.

I'm just so entirely unmotivated today.


  1. I'm wondering if you will catch a break.

    But with the way things are going I assume if you did it would be more likely a Brake caliper.

  2. As a guy whom deals in all manner of suppressors for all manner of weapons; but, does not have an engineering back ground, thread pit h drives me up the fucking wall

    1. They are not even remotely the same size. The nose of the slide hammer slides in without touching the sides of the puller.

      I do have an engineering background and thread pitch choice drove me nuts as well. Especially when you get an engineer who's in love with the ultra fine threads where everyday coarse will work for a lot less money.

  3. DURR! Moment!

    The puller has TWO sets of threads inside it. A large diameter on the back and it steps down to the same size as JT's slide hammer inside.

    Very odd.

    But it means I can start pulling the pilot bearing as soon as I get motivated.


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