11 December 2019

Connect The Red Wire To The Red Plug

Getting ready to get The Boy off to school this morning and I noticed that the display for the thermostat was blank.

Replacing the batteries did not restore function.


I don't want a super fancy smancy thermostat.  I don't need to run my house AC with my phone, or want someone else to be able to.

I did want something fancier than a simple slider switch.  I like to be able to read the temperature of the hallway.

To Lowe's!

My system is an easy 4-wire set-up and easy as pie to connect.

The panic comes from the display blinking "Cold On" and the AC compressor remaining silent.

"What did I do wrong?" I cry!

Turns out, nothing.

There's a built in five minute "compressor protection" mode.

This is not mentioned until the very last line of the instructions.

To me, this is something that should be mentioned with the "reconnect power and set thermostat" instruction.

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