17 January 2020

Little Things

It's the small things that drive one nuts from time to time.

Lego 75153 is an AT-ST from Rogue One.

Lego 75254 is an AT-ST from The Mandalorian.

When I put them side by side, it was obvious that 75254 was closer to the "real deal" in stance and structure.

The problem with using 75254 to represent an Imperial AT-ST was it being "Mad-Maxed" by Klatooinian raiders, so there'd have to be a LOT of finding of the correct color parts to convert the kit back to Imperial Army gray.

Lego 75201 is a partially destroyed AT-ST from The Last Jedi.

75201 has almost the same legs as 75254, but in the desired light gray!

Alas!  75201 has a stance problem as well, but it's easily fixed.  Substitute a couple of bricks from the bin and move the rear leg attachment point back half a stud and viola!

Now I have a more correct Imperial AT-ST from kit-bashing the legs from 75201 with the turret/head from 75153.

75254 on the left, kit bash on right.

The difference in angle is slight, but very noticeable with it fully assembled.

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