07 January 2021

Probe Complete

For minimal losses, an unarmed party probed the defenses of The Capitol Building yesterday.

Do any of the idiots in Washington realize what that could mean to their safety?

The probe revealed procedures and response times.

If this was intel gathering, then the next probe will be armed and will take into account the escape routes revealed in the unarmed probing.

You fuckers have never dealt with real war, have you?

Hard lessons are likely coming.

This probe could be considered a warning, but you're too self centered to realize it and back off, aren't you?

I'm not going do endorse anything, or do much of anything to beyond pointing out you've shown tactical and strategic vulnerabilities and are acting like you've won not just a battle, but the entire war.

A pawn has been sacrificed to get the queen and you think you're controlling the board?

Slow clap to follow.

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