25 November 2021

Oh Most Didn't

In writing about the effects of .38 Long Colt on a juramentado, it should be noted that the berserker Moro that got to bolo range is the exception rather than the rule.

Most of them died well short of machete range well ventilated by .30-40 rounds from the infantry.

The scale of the firepower brought to bear was actually astounding by the standards of the day.


  1. So what were the main reasons they could get close to begin with? Was it terrain or tactics or just bad luck?

    I would assume it was the terrain, but since you are the one researching it all...

    1. It was a combination of being outnumbered and outgunned that kept most of the juramentado at more than bolo's length.

      They mostly manage to get within striking distance when in villages by coming round the corner of a building. In open terrain, or even wooded, once spotted the riflemen basically say, "GET THAT GUY!" and several people shoot at once.


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