10 July 2022

You Want Detail?

As far as GURPS and Twilight: 2000 are concerned, a protective mask is a protective mask.

It doesn't take a lot of digging to see that hardly any two nations used the same NBC equipment during the time frame given in the setting.  The US uses at least three different masks, for example.

What got me to looking for a place that had the details stems, from all things, watching Tom Hiddleston running through clouds of green poison gas wearing a, period correct, M9 mask.

I didn't know it was an M9 at the time, but wanted to know the designation.

That led to a deep dive into this page.

I can see I am going to be making an equipment list addendum for my GT2K conversion.

Something that should come up for the characters in T2K is the US masks not using NATO standard filters.

It's the kind of details that I obsess over that no player really appreciates.

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